Safety, Health & Quality
Environment Protection
Maintenance & Spart Parts
Drug & Alcohol
Safety, Health & Quality
The objective of this policy is to protect and maintain the vessel within economical cost and without compromising the safety of vessel and crew, while providing utmost consideration to conservation and protection of marine environment.
The company shall maintain all vessels under its management to highest committed standards including SOLAS, MARPOL, IMO, Classification, International and Flag State Regulation and ISO standards as applicable to the type of vessel. The company shall exercise due diligence in maintaining the vessels in a seaworthy state at all times. Company shall make all reasonable efforts towards arranging and conduct of statutory surveys to maintain vessel in conformity with the applicable standards.
Arrangement and conduct of these statutory surveys would be the responsibility of the Master in consultation with the office. The Company superintendents shall monitor the vessels condition and progress through systemic planned maintenance system monitoring, regular reporting from vessels and by regular onboard inspections.
Critical equipment and systems are identified and a clear schedule of maintenance and testing of these equipment is available. A list of critical spares should be on board the vessel and this would be approved by the office. Vessels shall at all times carry sufficient spare for all CRITICAL equipment.
The company shall within reasonable means procure spare parts only from original manufacturer or their approved vendors. The Master and chief engineer would be responsible for keeping the office informed about their requirements for spares. Master and Chief Engineer are responsible to implement companies policy onboard and maintain the vessel in compliance with the required regulations. Master shall be required to immediately report to office any defect that may affect the Safety of personnel, Seaworthiness of the vessel, or endanger Marine Environment.
Environment Protection
Conservation and protection of the environment is the responsibility of every individual in the organization. The company is committed to the cause of environmental protection and preservation resources. Company’s objective is NO Pollution of the Environment.
We are committed to delivering our services in a environmentally sound manner always consistent with the applicable laws and regulation governing the scope of business through the following principles:
• Focus on prevention of pollution, resource conservation and minimizing waste generation as critical within our core management processes.
• Compliance with all applicable national & international laws and regulations, including other industry standards and best management practices which the company subscribes related to the environmental aspects.
• Regular review of all related activities and performances to verify environmental objectives and quality requirements of customers and interested parties are met.
• Providing training for staff on a continual basis to ensure understanding, implementation and development of these principles in the sphere of business activity.
• Developing and maintaining emergency response plans for prevention of pollution from potential known sources, in the sphere of activity.
• Continual improvement and meet or exceed compliance obligations by working closely with interested parties.
All employees shall follow the requirements and guidelines of the environmental management system in performing their task and duties and will ensure that this policy is supported and maintained.
Maintenance & Spare Parts
Drug & Alcohol
Our company is certified for ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001 by class ABS.